
The website under the domain is held by Passerel Translations, S.L.U. with fiscal address in C/ Maudes, 51 (Madrid), and registered in the Business Register of Madrid (Volume 31203, Sheet 207, Section 8, Page 561655)

Legal Notice

Passerel Translations S.L does not assume any responsibility derived from incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the information contained within the websites of Passerel Translations.

Within the legally established limits, Passerel Translations does not assume any responsibility derived from the lack of veracity, integrity, timeliness and accuracy of the data or information contained within its websites. may contain links to other third-party pages that Passerel Translations cannot control. Therefore, Passerel Translations does not assume any responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages.

The text, images, sounds, animations, software and the rest of the content included on this website are exclusive property of Passerel Translations.

Any act of transmission, distribution, cession, reproduction, storage or public communication, whether total or partial, should be expressly consented by Passerel Translations.

Likewise, to access some of the services that Passerel Translations offers through its website, you may have to supply some personal details. In compliance with the guidelines set forth in Spanish Law 15/1999, of 13 of December, on Personal Data Protection, we hereby inform you that, when you complete the forms on this website, your personal details will be recorded and managed in the records of Passerel Translations in order to provide and offer you our services. Likewise, we hereby inform you of the possibility to exercise your right to freely access, rectify, cancel and oppose your personal data via email to or at the following address: C/ Maudes, 51 – 28003 – Madrid (Madrid).


Personal Data Protection according to Spanish LOPD

Passerel Translations S.L, applying current Spanish personal data protection law, hereby informs that any personal information collected via the forms on will be included in automatic or manual records of Passerel Translations, S.L.

Those personal data, collected and processed automatically or manually, will be used to maintain commercial relationships, for informative and other purposes as related to Passerel Translations’ business activities.

Those personal data will only be transferred to the necessary third parties for the aforementioned purposes.

Passerel Translations, S.L has taken the necessary means to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the collected data as required by Spanish Law 15/1999 of 13 of December on Personal Data Protection (LOPD, for its Spanish acronym).

The user can, at any time, exercise his/her right to access, oppose, rectify and cancel the data as laid out in the aforementioned LOPD. The user himself can exercise those rights by sending an email to: or by writing to: C/ Maudes, 51 – 28003 – Madrid (Madrid).

Data gathered by service users

In cases in which the user includes records with personal data on shared hosting servers, Passerel Translations, S.L is not responsible for the user’s non-compliance with the LOPD.